About Patricia Leslie...
Patricia Leslie can’t remember which came first; her love of writing or joy of reading. She always has a notebook on hand when reading to jot down notes, quotes and great moments, and a book nearby to refer to or gain inspiration from when busy writing. Like the chicken and the egg, neither can exist without the other.
If you’d asked her twenty years ago if she’d ever achieve her innermost dream to be a writer, she’d have scoffed and said, "Not bloody likely!"
That was before the call to write demanded she pay more serious attention. She experimented with a few short stories and then found the short stories became longer and longer: time to take the experiment seriously!
Patricia’s first published novel was seven years in the making and another seven finding a publisher. The effort was worth it. Along the way she learned that she had bucket loads of resilience, determination and a stubborn streak a mile long (at least). Her break came with Australian indie publisher, Odyssey Books, in 2013. Her wonderful publisher provided a supportive net and comfortable sounding board for ideas, editing tips, and promotional advice - as well as publication! Patricia has hardly looked back since.
As of this moment, she has three published novels to her name, two more on the drawing board,and another project brewing in the background. Her favourite topics to read, learn, and write about are history, mythology, and magic especially hidden history, myths almost lost to time, and magic that has not been subverted by wizards or sorcerers.
The Ouroborus Key (Google Audio will help you with pronunciation) ranges from Ancient Mesopotamia to the modern day American Southwest and Rocky Mountains.
A Single Light lurks in the overgrown trails of the Australian bush just south of Sydney.
Crossing the Line is a trilogy that ranges from Scotland to Sydney of the 1880s and back again. Book one: Keeper of the Way is out now and is packed full of myth, secrets, history, a burning Palace, and magic.
When not writing or reading you will find Patricia pottering around in her garden or wandering the city with her camera looking for old buildings and interesting stories.
If you’d like to contact Patricia to discuss potential speaking gigs or multi million dollar book or movie deals, head over to her contact page.
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