May 31, 2020
Book Review: The Lost Pearl by Emily Madden
From Pearl Harbour to Sydney, a forgotten secret could unite a family - or destroy it.

Apr 24, 2019
Daydreams and Ruminations: creating fictional mythologies
Welcome to my strand of the World Wide Web. Writing Toolbox: tip #11 Online Graphic Creation apps Subscribe to receive articles and tips...

Oct 17, 2018
Entering the world of book clubs
I was asked by my publisher to provide some book club questions for all three of my novels. Interesting task. Especially for The...

Jan 14, 2018
Heritage in a nutshell. A stroll around Sydney: Part 1 St Andrews, Town Hall & the Queen Victori
There are various ways to undertake a heritage walk of your home city. One of mine has been to print out copies of old maps (Doves Maps...

Aug 13, 2017
Let me introduce you too...
In May 2015, I sat down in an Edinburgh pub with a fresh notebook and a pen, and started my third novel. With a nod to future history, I...

Nov 15, 2016
Local Author Showcase
On Saturday, I will be one of six authors presenting at a Local Author Showcase at Sutherland Library. I’ll be talking about inspiration...