Mar 31, 2021
March article round up - magic, myth, and fantasy
I’ve been doing some reading into magic, myth, conceptual theming, and core character / personality realisation, encompassing the...

Feb 27, 2019
Exploring Local Museums
Welcome to my strand of the World Wide Web. Writing Tools: tip #4 Dropbox Subscribe to receive articles and tips every week in your inbox...

Dec 12, 2018
A non-definitive history of matches
Every now and again I like to share some of the little gems of knowledge and trivia I pick up in my reading and researching. Sometimes...

Dec 16, 2017
Sisters in Antiquity - Sheela na Gig & Baubo
It seems that Sheila na Gig and Baubo share a growing number of connecting dots. As female figures, historians are not quite sure if they...

Aug 20, 2017
Three things: a writer's journey
When I was asked to talk about the writer’s journey at the Writers Unleashed Festival, I was in a bit of a conundrum: where to start, how...

Aug 13, 2017
Let me introduce you too...
In May 2015, I sat down in an Edinburgh pub with a fresh notebook and a pen, and started my third novel. With a nod to future history, I...

Apr 3, 2017
I love writing weekends!
Not long ago I had a solid three days of writing and am now approximately half way through my manuscript. I say approximately, because...