Mar 13, 2019
Welcome to my strand of the World Wide Web. Writing Toolbox: tip #6 The Creative Penn Subscribe to receive articles and tips every week...

Aug 20, 2017
Three things: a writer's journey
When I was asked to talk about the writer’s journey at the Writers Unleashed Festival, I was in a bit of a conundrum: where to start, how...

Mar 14, 2016
Book Review: The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George
Review: The Little Paris Bookshop Author: Nina George Translator: Simon Pare Publisher: Abacus, 2010 www.nina-george.com Monsieur Jean...

Jul 14, 2014
Having too much fun on Pinterest
I use my Pinterest account to collect imagery for writing, recipes, art, and assorted other interests. I have several boards dedicated to...