Jul 28, 2021
Book review: The Amber Crane by Malve von Hassell
Book review of historical fantasy novel, The Amber Crane by Malve von Hassell.

Jun 16, 2021
From the bones up: Developing historical characters
Developing characters for historical or historical fantasy fiction when you've got little more than a few bones to build on.

Apr 12, 2021
Sound on!
I’ve always had a love for sounds different from the mainstream and over the last year or so I’ve been exploring music from Mongolia to...

Apr 5, 2021
Sharing Monday
Writing historical fantasy fiction involves diving into myth and magic, and the occasional monster story. But reading isn’t all that...

Mar 31, 2021
March article round up - magic, myth, and fantasy
I’ve been doing some reading into magic, myth, conceptual theming, and core character / personality realisation, encompassing the...