A new mailing list to sign up to...
After spending nearly a week at home with a potent strain of the common cold, I am finally coming out of the other end of that particularly icky tunnel and find I have enough brain cells in action to continue updating my website.
I've added a mailing list subscription form this week in order to share all the exciting and never ending updates and other news with loyal fans (loyal fans should note that I am naturally of a sarcastic bent...). Seeing how I have a new novel due for release in November and a few upcoming appearances, I thought it was time to join all other widly successful authors in using this particular marketing tool.
I'm planning some giveaways too, but first, I need some subscribers, so please feel free to share this post, the link to the website, the tweet this post appeared on with all your friends, and let's get this mailing list happening. And of course! Remember to subscribe yourself. You wouldn't want to miss out on the first giveaway.
Another accomplishment I've managed this week is to create a Twitter ad to promote The Ouroboros Key's presence on Netgalley and gain a few more reviews. I love working in Photoshop and find creating images (adverts, bookmarks, postcards, etc) relaxing. It certainly takes my mind of how crappy I feel!
With NetGalley, what I'd like you to do is sign up if you're not already a member (it's free, I did it myself yesterday) and then you have access to piles of books that need reviews. You request a copy, read, and then provide a review.
Here's the link to The Ouroboros Key: https://s2.netgalley.com/catalog/book/45296
Here's my Twitter advert:

My third accomplishment of the week, was to tidy up my Pinterest account. I've added a couple of new boards that will include pins related to story research including my very next novel. Take a look: https://www.pinterest.com/patricialesliea/ A few of the older boards that have nothing whatsoever to do with my novels or writing will slowly be deleted.
That's it for this week. I wish you all the best for the weekend - happy reading, pinning and "signing up".