A writerly weekend... almost
It's late Saturday and I am starting my evening with this blog post followed by a walk in the wind hoping for inspiration for my short story. I have it all, I just can't seem to connect properly with the characters. Some exercise and weather seems in order.
I'll spend the rest of the evening writing and editing. My new novel, A Single Light, is due out in a few short weeks and I have 200 odd pages worth of edits to go through. The, yet to be titled, short story is about half way through. I'm looking forward to getting on with both.
I had some good news today - three copies of The Ouroboros Key sold at the Castlemaine Artisan Markets! Many thanks to Tracy M Joyce who helps me out by talking up my book as well as her own (and no doubt everyone else's on the stall). Tracy and the gang will be at Maldon Market tomorrow (Sunday 8th November) so if you're in the area and in the mood for shopping, head on over.
Speaking of shopping, I ducked into Sylvania Southgate Shopping Centre this morning and couldn't believe how crowded it was! The Christmas shopping period is definitely under way. I think Santa's Christmas Centre had it's grand opening. Thousands of facepainted little kids were running around with balloons and two very tall Christmas elves, sang songs and gave out cardboard reindeer antlers. Christmas is great and I can't wait to use this perfectly legitimate reasons to shop my credit card dry, but the noise level was phenominal. Saturday shopping trips have just been sidelined until the dust settles!
In case you'd like to make your own reindeer antlers. This set below is from Disney's "Frozen" & found at Indulgy

Have fun!
Note: top image was sourced from gulfchick - Blog post: Walking in the Wind for Fun posted in September 2011