The elephant in the room: writing, promotion, writing.

I sat down at my computer to write a witty and profound blog post and was faced with this…
Sometimes writing on demand just does not activate creative free flow of thoughts and ideas. In the interim, let me share with you what I as a writer have been up to. It’s certainly not blankness.
I’m busy writing an essay on Relative History, which is scheduled for publishing in late September. I’m scratching my head a bit with it because it took me awhile to come up with a topic and when I did and started tapping away at my keyboard, I ended up writing about something else. The two topics are linked and I’ve brought them together relatively well for a first draft, but it just goes to show how the writing process can take on a life of its own from the first word to the last. This will either work or I’ll end up with two essays. I’ll know in another week when I start revising.

On the novel front, Book 2 of my Crossing the Line series is progressing in a rather meandering fashion having been diverted by the need to concentrate on promotion. The marketing side of writing is like the elephant in the room – literally! It takes up so much time and space, it can be difficult squeezing in the writing. But I’ve shown the elephant out of my writing area and have returned to stretching those creative fiction muscles.
A recap on the promotions: my speaking gig at the Botany Bay Family History Society went well. I’m not a great speaker, but the more I do it the more comfortable I feel talking to an audience (and that’s a good start, right?). My book-signing at Harry Hartog Booksellers – Miranda also went well. Met some lovely people, was supported by wonderful friends and family, and sold some books. Happy days! On the less public front, I’ve redesigned my website, responded to a few Q&A requests, worked on a social media program, and re-jigged my newsletter (again).
That’s all the big promo tasks and activities done… except for that talk in November and this multi-layered essay I’m in the middle of.