Coming out of a reading slump with a vengeance!

Earlier this year, I was in a bit of a reader’s block. I couldn’t concentrate on anything long enough to get right into it. Novels that should have swept me away, just were not hooking me. There were lots of reasons. I spend a lot of last year in upheaval (renovating, work, selling house, moving - oh, yes and Covid).
The recovery period seems to be over. In the last month, I’ve read five novels! I thought I wasn’t motivated to do anything. I’m hoping this reading burst (plus my increased activity on my social feeds) means I’m clawing my way out of that slump.
I’ve written a couple of reviews and have a few more to write up as well.
Read and reviewed:
✅ Songbird by J Victoria Michael
✅ The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
✅ Beyond the Hills by Marissa Mortimer

✅ GriffinSinger by J Victoria Michael
✅ Alina: A Song for the Telling by Malve von Hassell
✅ Bitter Orange by Claire Fuller

Next to read:
📖 Borderlanders by Gillian Polack
📖 The Ambercrane by Malve von Hassell
📖 Fleetwalker by J Victoria Michael

And all this while I’ve been working on the next in the Crossing the Line series (with enthusiasm) and a brand new story idea hatched as well.
I’ve got to say, I’m feeling pretty darn good!